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Fast and Furious 5 web-dl Download Free Movie Torrent

Fast and Furious 5 web-dl Download Free Movie Torrent

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Fast & sharp 5 Fast Pipe (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX

Format: AVI

Format / Information: Audio-video interlacing

Structure profile: OpenDML

File size: Gio

Duration: 2h 10mn

Light total: 1,500 Kbps

Movie name: Fast Five (2011)

Writer application: VirtualDubMod (build 2542 / release)

Writer library: VirtualDubMod build 2542 / release

Original source form: MAX TORRENTZ



Username: 0

Format: MPEG-4 visible


Structure parameters, BVOP: Yes

Structure parameters, QPel: No.

Structural arrangements, GMC: No war zones

Structure parameters, matrix: custom

Codec ID: XVID

Codec ID / Note: XviD

Duration: 2h 10mn

Minimum data rate: 1,047 Kbps

Width: 720 pixels

Height: 304 pixels

Display rate :: 1

Frame rate: fps

Resolution: 24 pieces

Color diagram: 4: 2: 0

Analysis type: in progress

Bits / (Pixel Frame *):

Stream size: 976 MiB (70%)

Writing library: XviD 58


Username: 1

Call: AC-3

Format / Information: Voice recording 3

Codec ID: 2000

Duration: 2h 10mn

Low level mode: occasionally

Minimum speed: 448 Kbps

Station (stations): 6 stations

Channel positions: Front: L C R, Rotation: L R, LFE

Sampling rate: KHz

Stream size: 418 MiB (30%)

Synchronization: intended for common areas

Interactive, duration: 64 ms (video images)

Interaction, preload time: 192 ms

Source: DVD (full quality and / / sync, sample included)

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Fast & sharp 5 Fast Pipe (2011) DVDRip XviD-MAX Torrent Free Download

How to get your maximum speed (uTorrent)

Torrent client – Options – Bandwidth – Contact number – Installation approx. 500 for each

Torrent Client – Options – BiTorrent – Protocol Encryption – Mandatory

Bandwidth Distribution – High (download limited / unlimited limit)

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